Patient Rights & Responsibilities

Nirvana Eye Hospital has a tradition of excellent medical care for all of its patients. As part of this commitment to quality care, Wills supports a patient’s right to participate in the healthcare decisions that affect his or her well-being. It is our goal to provide medical care that is effective and considerate within our capacity, mission and philosophy, applicable to law and regulation. The Patient’s Bill or Rights reflects the interests of our staff who enthusiastically endorses its principles.

  • A patient has the right to have informed participation in decisions relating to his or her medical care.
  • Except in emergencies, patients have the right to receive, in advance of treatment or contemplated procedure, a full explanation from their physician so that they may exercise their right of informed consent.
  • A patient has the right to refuse drugs on procedures, to the extent permitted by statute, and a practitioner shall inform the patient of the medical consequences of the patient’s refusal of drugs or procedures.
  • A patient has the right to medical and nursing services without discrimination based upon age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap, disability, or source of payment.
  •  A patient who does not speak English shall have access, where possible, to an interpreter.
  • A patient, or patient designee, shall have access to the information contained in his or her medical records upon request unless access is specifically restricted by the attending practitioner for medical reasons.